Meghan Hultquist

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HubSpot Tools to Speed Up Your Sales Process and Close More Deals

Sep 12, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in sales, technology, HubSpot, sales enablement, marketing automation

The world’s most popular marketing automation platform, HubSpot, is primarily known for its ability to help marketing teams, but there are so many powerful facets of the software that are designed to supercharge sales for your company.

Many sales leaders are cautiously optimistic about marketing automation software like HubSpot, but they're just not sure how the technology applies to them. 

HubSpot includes a full set of sales productivity tools that help streamline and speed up your sales process. These technology tools allow sales teams to spend more time selling, shortening average sales cycles and increasing sales team happiness. Let’s take a look at some of the top tools helping sales teams fuel performance.

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SEO Best Practices for 2019

Aug 31, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in technology, marketing, websites, optimization, SEO

What's the Best SEO Strategy for 2019?

SEO is an essential component of driving qualified traffic and leads to your website. But so many companies don't have a good handle on what SEO even means today. It's not completely their fault. There is so much misinformation about SEO out there, and it's tough to sort through what's current and what's accurate.

What makes SEO such a tough discipline is that it is ever-evolving, with search engines releasing updates all the time and often without warning. The best way to stay ahead of search engine algorithm updates is simply to adhere to best practices from the beginning. 

So, let's take a look at what SEO best practices look like as marketers gear up to head into 2019. Combine these powerful forces to put together the best SEO strategy your company has ever seen.

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Optimize Your Website to Influence Visitor Behavior

Aug 28, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in marketing, websites, optimization

There is a method to the madness when it comes to getting your website visitors to take a certain action or behave a certain way. It turns out there is a very predictable way that people react to triggers, cues, signals, and direction. Leveraging the right visual and messaging components allows you to more effectively engage with prospects and directly influence their behavior.

And it doesn't require a total overall of your website. There are a series of impactful tweaks you can make that will allow you to strategically influence the behaviors you want from your website visitors.

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Webinars: Take Your Lead Generation Up a Notch

Aug 24, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in marketing, lead generation

Webinars engage users, showcase your brand's expertise, and are great go-to offers to nurture leads further along in their journey. You can use webinars for any stage of the funnel, so long as your topic is educational and valuable to your audience.

Webinars can be used strategically at all stages in the buyer's journey to improve your lead generation performance. The lead generation potential of a well-planned, well-executed webinar is huge.

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The Dirty Little Secret About Marketing Automation

Aug 23, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in sales, technology, sales enablement, marketing automation

Marketing automation exists primarily to help companies generate revenue. Because, really, what's the point of marketing if it's not generating revenue? The way we see it, marketing shouldn't even be happening at your company if it's not strategically generating revenue in a predictable and scalable way.

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The Office: 15 Marketing Lessons You Might Have Missed

Aug 17, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in marketing

NBC's The Office is one of the most memorable TV shows of all time. Michael Scott's misadventures as regional manager of Dunder Mifflin Scranton are chronicled over several years, creating countless hilarious predicaments and situations that actually present great learning opportunities for marketers.

Here are fifteen marketing lessons from The Office that you might have missed.

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Create a Customer Acquisition Strategy for 2019 + Beyond

Aug 15, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in strategy, customer acquisition

Customer acquisition is the strategic process of bringing on new clients or customers to your business. A good customer acquisition strategy is necessary for business growth and keeps employees, leaders, and investors happy. Customer acquisition, along with demand generation, sales enablement, and client retention, is a major component of a revenue generation plan.

The goal of building a customer acquisition strategy is to create a repeatable, sustainable process that will generate new revenue predictably over time.

There's a lot that goes into an effective customer acquisition plan, but for most growth-minded B2B companies, the essential elements of a good strategy are the same. Allow plenty of time (3-6 months) to work on your strategy internally, involve the right partners, and select the right technology tools. 

Here are the key steps to follow to create a customer acquisition strategy that will set you up for success in 2019 and beyond.

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How to Use Your B2B Website to Acquire New Customers IRL

Aug 8, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in sales, marketing, sales enablement, websites, lead generation, customer acquisition

Websites can serve a number of different purposes. But, if your B2B website isn't helping you to acquire new customers, then it's not doing its job.

Almost all companies have a website, which is a great start. Some even look really nice. But just having a nice-looking website isn't enough to generate leads and acquire new customers for most businesses. You need to take a strategic approach to attracting visitors, converting leads, and closing customers in order to truly impact revenue growth in real life (IRL).

Sales and marketing leaders should leverage their most valuable digital asset to generate leads and acquire customers, and your website has the potential to be your most powerful sales and marketing tool. This is true even for companies that handle the majority of their sales process offline - on the phone with a sales rep, for example. 

Regardless of your industry or audience, the elements required to turn your website into a lead generation and customer acquisition tool are essentially the same. Implement these steps to start using your B2B website to generate leads and close customers.

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6 Automated Email Campaigns to Accelerate Your Entire Funnel

Aug 7, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in technology, marketing, sales enablement, marketing automation

Automated email campaigns, also known as nurture campaigns, are a powerful way to accelerate revenue growth across your entire marketing and sales funnel.

Nurture campaigns are a wise investment because they can usually be built using assets you already have, and they require fairly low maintenance to maintain and optimize post-launch. These campaigns work hard for you in the background, freeing up your sales and marketing teams to work on higher-priority opportunities or more strategic initiatives.

A nurture campaign is made up of a series of automated email messages that are sent to a specific audience according to a pre-established schedule. You can design these automated email campaigns to generate growth in a variety of ways, for both sales and marketing teams. These campaigns are easily built with marketing automation software.

Explore six automated email campaigns that accelerate growth across the entire funnel, from warming up marketing-qualified leads to getting a second chance with deals you've lost.

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3 Signs You're Using the Wrong Marketing Automation Software

Aug 3, 2018 / by Meghan Hultquist posted in technology, marketing, marketing automation

Marketing automation software offers enormous benefits to marketing and sales teams, but it's not a magic wand. To be successful, you need to have the right tool in place to support your team's needs and goals.

When your team is stuck using a marketing automation solution that isn't a good fit, you fail to see results, and your team gets frustrated. Who can blame them? Left without a good marketing automation tool, they're at a crippling disadvantage, and their competitors have an easy edge.

Read on to learn three common signs you're using the wrong marketing automation software, and learn how to find a better solution for your organization.

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